Ear Candling Treatment Is Worth Using?

What do ear candles do, and how these candles work?
Ear Coning/Ear Candling is an age-old practice for cleaning earwax. In this method, cone-shaped candles are lit and placed on the ears to remove earwax. The heat created by the candle helps in producing a vacuum that pulls the earwax and debris out of the ear canal. However, the wax is not dripped into your ear in any way, so don't worry or get scared by it.
Ear candles have been used for various purposes, from removing wax to curing ear infections and even improving hearing. Not only that, but it is also a great way for treating issues related to ears like a sinus infection, swimmer's ear, headache, sore throat, flu, and cold. Some people even claim that it helped them control their blood pressure and stress.
What is an ear candle?
Earwax candles for ear cleaning are a hollow cone-shaped cotton piece that is soaked in either paraffin or beeswax or sometimes the mixture of both. It is usually 10 inches in length. The wax may also contain other ingredients like essential oils, sage chamomile, rosemary, honey, etc.
How to use ear wax removal candle
Ear candling is mostly carried out by an expert herbalist or massage therapist. It is not safe to use it by yourself as it can lead to injury. The candle is inserted in the ear through a foil, which is meant to catch all the wax that melts so that it doesn’t enter the ear. Use a towel on the neck and head as well for further protection. You will be asked by the practitioner to lie on one of your sides while your ear faces up. He will then place the pointed end of the candle in your ear while he lit the open end up. The candle burns for around 10-15 minutes while the practitioner keeps your skin around the ear safe from the wax and its flame. Once the procedure is done, the candle is cut open to reveal the extracted materials from your ear.
How does it work?
The heat from the flame of the candle creates a vacuum due to the shape of the candle. This vacuum creates a suction power that allows the candle to pull up the earwax and debris, leaving your ear clean.
Is it safe using ear candles at home?
It is usually recommended to get it done by a practitioner, but you can surely conduct the procedure at home with the help of your partner or a friend. Asking someone to help you out will minimize the risk of burning yourself during the process or causing any harm to your ear. Here's how you should ear wax remover candles at home:
- To ensure safe and effective ear candling, you should size the conical end of the candle to fit the size of your ear. Use a scissor to trim it and size it according to your ear. While resizing, it ensures that the opening is passable. You can use a pointy object to remove any obstruction at the small end.
- Before starting the process, wash your ears and hands. Ask your friend/family who will be assisting you through the process to sanitize their hands and minimize the risk of infecting your ear with bacteria etc.
- It is recommended to cover up your head and shoulders with a moist towel to prevent flame or ash from hitting them during the process.
- Laying on one side with your ear facing up is the right position for the candling process. Your friend can assist you through the process to avoid any falling ashes and flame to reduce the risk of burning.
- Before starting the candling process, rub/massage the back area of your ear. The massage enhances the blood circulation to the area while relaxing your nerves and preparing you for the process.
- You will also need a paper plate or a foil to place on your ear. Cut a hole through this plate/foil and pass the beeswax ear candle through it. This plate will collect all the wax and stop it from dripping into your ear while saving you from the flames and falling ashes during the candling process.
- Place the small end of the ear candle into your ear through the paper plate/foil. This ensures a safe procedure.
- Now ask your partner to light the open end of the candle to begin the candling process. Readjust the candle to make sure it fits the ear securely so that the process is effective.
- The candle will burn for around 15 minutes to reach the desired length, which is about 4 inches. Reaching the desired length is crucial as it not only saves you from burning but also removes the maximum amount of wax.
- Trimming the candle through the process is very important to prevent falling ashes and burning. Ask your friend to keep trimming the candle every two inches. Your friend can remove the candle, trim it into a bowl, and then put it back in the ear again.
- Once the candle has burned, and around 3-4 inches of it remains, ask your friend to remove it and extinguish it.
- After removing and extinguishing the candle, you can view the candle stub for the earwax, debris, etc. observing it will help you assess the procedure and whether you need to repeat it for further wax removal or not.
- Make sure to clean your outer ear again once the procedure is done.
- Repeat the same procedure for the other ear as well.
Tips for ear candling at home
We care for you and your health and hence we have some useful tips for you before you start using ear candles.
- Carefully examine the candle tip to ensure it isn’t broken or loose.
- Do not use the ear candle if you have pulled it back once after insertion. Insert it only one time.
- Better to use it in a ventilated area.
- Do not use it in pregnancy and if you have any ear infection before. Always consult your doctor first.
- Use it under the supervision of some practitioner or a previous user if you are using the product for the first time.
An ear candling session is great to remove all excess wax and impurities from your ear. There is no hard and fast rule on the frequency you should follow for the ear candling treatment. You should judge yourself after examining your ear’s condition and define a frequency for yourself that best suits you. You will intuitively know when your ear will be clogged, or you experience sinus pressure that will be the time to opt for an ear candling session.
How HollowCare Ear Candles are made?
HollowCare makes sure to bring you all-natural ear candles of the highest quality so that you get the best results every time. We are the best e-shop if you are looking for natural and safe ear candles and ear candling kits. We have a range of ear candles in different packing counts to allow you choose as per your liking. Here’s how we make our candles:
We bring in natural ingredients like 100% Beeswax and a Muslin cloth to create our magical and the best ear wax removal candles. Our ear wax candle kit candles are 100% Handmade for the best quality possible. Besides, the Hollo Care candles are extremely easy to use; all you have to do is follow our instructions and get the best results possible.
Why buy from us?
Hollow Care is your go-to provider when it comes to the best ear wax remover candles. We bring you a range of packing options to choose from according to your requirements and preference. Here’s why you should choose Hollow Care for buying your ear candles:
100% Natural and Completely Safe
The Ear Candles are made from 100% natural beeswax and a muslin cloth. We use pure oils and organic materials in making top-notch ear candles. These are absolutely safe for your use.
No Smoke
The Hollow candles are natural and organic and hence don't produce any harmful smoke or odor, making them exceptional.
Complimentary Towels
Bringing you our custom ear candling towels to make the whole procedure further safe and effortless for our valued clients.
Satisfaction guaranteed
We value our clients, and their satisfaction is what we sought. For that matter, we bring 100% satisfaction for our clients to bring them the ultimate peace of mind.
So, the bottom line is that the ear candling treatment is absolutely worth a try when you have the best ear candling candles company by your side to ensure that you get only the best organic products. Our exceptional quality and unique products ensure that you keep coming back to us for more once you have used our products. So visit our website and place your orders for the ear candles today and avail our free delivery option across the USA, and get rid of the earwax with absolute ease.